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Revive: the shamanic Phoenix ritual

The Phoenix ritual is a very special time and type of encounter. But it may be something completely new for you. That is why I would like to explain what it is in more detail than in the other offers.

Please take the time to read this text and let it sink in before you book the ritual with me.

My spiritual roots lie in the Christian tradition. I have always felt strongly connected to the power of creation. However, my own spiritual journey led me deeper and deeper into this connection until I had a seminal encounter with a Lakota Indian shaman.

The Lakota – like many other indigenous peoples – have a deeply respectful relationship with all of creation. For them, everything is alive and therefore endowed with a spirit: stones, water, trees, fire, air and, last but not least, ‚Mother Earth‘ and ‚Father Sky‘. And of course all living beings, our ancestors and we ourselves are spiritual beings.

During a 2-spirit retreat with Wolf Martinez, a shamanic drum-making workshop with Ana Elke Schwarz and a basic shamanic seminar with Olaf Bernhardt, I experienced a new approach to my own spirituality. I found and experienced home. In the midst of creation and nature.

On a shamanic journey, I met my own power animal, which has accompanied me ever since: a mythical creature. A phoenix. But what is it? What does ’shamanic journey‘ even mean?

The shamanic journey is comparable to a dream journey. The spirit goes on a journey. I will accompany you – together with my drum ‚Phoenix‘ – on this journey. In a trance-like state, similar to hypnosis, you can enter the so-called Otherworld. You determine the way there with your own imagination. Many people find it helpful to imagine a tunnel or a hole that leads them deep into the earth in order to ultimately reach a safe place. Your safe place.

To make your journey into the shamanic world a success, preparation is important. Take your time. Especially at the beginning, it is important that you don’t put yourself under pressure. You may not be able to access it today. That’s not a bad thing. Just relax. Take a deep breath. If you like, I can accompany you with my voice.

Before every shamanic journey, you should decide why you are travelling, what your destination is. We will discuss this together. Do you simply want to go to a safe place? Recharge your batteries in your inner garden? Would you like to meet your power animal? Do you already know your power animal? What would you like to experience with it today? Would you like to consciously look at something in your life? Many things are possible.

During the journey you will be accompanied by the rhythmic sounds of ‚Phoenix‘. When you have arrived at your safe place, you give me a small sign with your hand. The drumming will become quieter until it is barely audible. Then I will gently begin to massage you. I will explain this to you in the preliminary talk. You don’t need to do anything … just feel, sense and be open to what is happening in your mind on the journey.

I will have already connected with the spirits and my own power animal – the Phoenix – while drumming. When massaging, I want to keep a channel open so that the energy of the spirits can flow through me to you. Images or words can form within you, which we can discuss at the end of the treatment. Words can also form in me for you, which I will send to you.

At the end of the massage, I will align you energetically by touching your feet, your head, your chest and your stomach before I accompany you back to the here and now with the help of ‚Phoenix‘.

This powerful treatment can be a beginning – or an end – depending on the concerns you come to me with. I am happy to accompany you: as a spiritual guide or shaman.

But I am not a psychologist and can at best accompany a corresponding therapy, but in no way replace it.

My connection with my power animal, the Phoenix, fills this ritual with the power of resurrection from the ashes. The Phoenix is a bird from mythology. Its representation is associated with the idea that the Phoenix burns at the end of its life and turns to ashes. It then rises from the ashes with a new body as a living creature. You too can step into a new life as if reborn through this power from the ritual: body, mind and soul in harmony.

Homo salus – the healthy human being!
