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Recharge: the chakra sound ritual

Recharge is a chakra sound ritual. It is a very special time and type of encounter. But it may be something completely new for you. That is why I would like to explain what it is in more detail than in the other offers.

Please take the time to read this text and let it sink in before you book the ritual with me.

A chakra sound ritual is a magical combination of the physical touch of my hands, the olfactory stimulation of a pure essential oil and the fine energetic vibrations of a Tibetan singing bowl. The special thing about this ritual is the chakra-based massage in combination with the energy of the singing bowl.

Chakras are subtle energy vortices located in and around our body that absorb and distribute energy in the human energy system. Through the gentle vibrations of the singing bowl and the work of my hands, blockages in the corresponding chakra can be harmonised in a beneficial way and the chakra can be rebalanced so that the life energy can flow freely.

These are the seven major chakras that are worked on during this massage, starting with the lowest one:

  1. The root chakra Muladhara
  2. The sacral chakra Svadisthana
  3. The navel chakra Manipura
  4. The heart chakra Anahata
  5. The throat chakra Vishuddha
  6. The forehead chakra (third eye) Ajna
  7. The crown chakra Sahasrara

Each of these chakras is located in an area of the body that is individually perceived as intimate or sacred from person to person – for example at the lower end of the spine, in the genital area or on the face. I therefore work extremely carefully and attentively.

My intention is always to harmonise body, mind and soul.

Touching your intimate areas is in no way to be interpreted as a sexual act.
